Symposium on Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures for Young Researchers 2024
Sep. 6 (Fri.) - Sep. 7 (Sat.), 2024
Sago Royal Hotel, Kanzanji, Hamamatsu, Japan
Courtesy of Hamamatsu and Lake Hamana Tourism Bureau
Important dates
Apr. 1st, 2024: First announcement (PDF)
Jun. 7th 14th, 2024: Deadline of registration and hotel accommodation
Aug. 23th, 2024: Deadline of submission of 1-page abstract
We are very pleased to inform you that the Symposium on Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures for Young Researchers will be held in Hamamatsu, Japan, on September 6-7, 2024. This symposium for young researchers is a derivative one from the Joint Symposium on Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures, which has been held in China and Japan since 2010. This symposium will provide a forum for researchers to exchange ideas, present their newest findings and learn the latest achievements in theoretical and applied mechanics of advanced materials and structures, and also provide an opportunity for networking among young researchers from Japan and China.
1) Damage and fracture mechanics of advanced materials
2) Multi-fields (thermo, electro, electro-magneto) mechanics
3) Mechanics of functional and intelligent materials and structures
4) Impact mechanics and dynamic material behavior
5) Molecular dynamics
6) Analytical, numerical, and multiscale methods
7) Nondestructive evaluation of structural integrity
8) Other mechanics of advanced materials
Prof. Yoshinobu Shimamura, Shizuoka University
Prof. Hiroyuki Hirakata, Kyoto University
Prof. Fumio Narita, Tohoku University
Program committee
Prof. Wataru Matsunaga, Kyoto University
Prof. Zhenjin Wang, Tohoku University
Ms. Yukari Matsuoka, Shizuoka University
Official language
Program at a glance (updated)
Sep. 6 (Fri.)
13:00 – 17:00 Symposium
18:30 – 20:30 Reception (tentative)
Sep. 7 (Sat.)
9:30 – 10:00 Social tour (Optional) (tentative)
Program (New)
Program (uploaded on 2024.7.17)
Presentation (Updated)
Young Professors: Oral presentation 15 min + Q&A 5 min
Postdoctoral researchers and students: Oral presentation 10 min + Q&A 5 min
Note: Short self-introduction should be included in the beginning of your presentation.
Abstract format
The abstract template is available: MS Word format.
Abstract submission
Please send your abstract (both Word format and PDF format) by e-mail to the secretary, Ms. Yukari Matsuoka <>, by Aug. 23 (Fri.).
REgistation and accommodation booking (Closed)
Registration fee (Upated)
10,000 JPY (tentative) (including Abstract book and Reception)
Accommodation (Upated)
Note: Participants must stay at the symposium site, and reservation must be made through the organizing committee.
- Student, researcher and professor (under 40 years old)
10,000 JPY (tentative) (No smoking, including Breakfast)
Note: To encourage networking, students and young researchers will be assigned to shared rooms.
- Researcher and professor (40 years old or over)
12,000 JPY (tentative) (Single room, No smoking, including Breakfast)
Registration and accommodation fee is accepted on site by cash.
Sago Royal Hotel, Kanzanji, Hamamatsu, Japan (in Japanese)
A complimentary shuttle bus from JR Hamamatsu Station will be provided, and the details will be announced later.
Contact information
Ms. Yukari Matsuoka
3-5-1 Johoku, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8561, Japan
Shimamura lab., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shizuoka University